Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What health coaching is not

I read this really great blog post today. I think there are a lot of us that have been drawn into this crazy idea about dieting: "If you eat anything other than salads and work out every single day until you're a hot, sweaty mess you won't find the love of your life or find your dream job or be happy ever!!!" What. the. crap. Baloney! The problem is that all of us are believing this ginormous lie, and we are letting it affect our self esteem, what we go after, the way we talk to ourselves, everything.

I am not going to put you on a 1200 calorie diet.
I am not going to make you work out every day until you want to collapse.
I am not going to ask you to never eat ice cream again. (I would die. Probably literally.)

I want you to pursue the thing that makes you happiest.
I want you to fall deeply, hardly in love forever.
I want you to be empowered to stand up for yourself, always.
I want you to reject the things that make you feel bad.
I want to help you find the food that makes you feel amazing.

That's what my coaching is about. Did you know that vegetables, when fresh and prepared properly, can be as amazing as dessert? True story. I didn't know, either. I grew up on some canned green beans, and canned asparagus (that I always added half a shaker of salt to), and that nasty frozen vegetable mix with the lima beans in it (does anyone actually like that stuff?). No joke - until I was mid-20's, that was my view of vegetables. No one is going to eat vegetables that taste like that! 

The good news is: the nasty food syndrome applies to a whole bunch of foods that you were raised on. I can teach you how to make mac 'n' cheese that tastes better than anything you get out of the box and is healthier for you (even if you can't eat dairy). I can show you how to make veggies so good you will moan when you put them in your mouth. Yep. That fabulous.

Please don't buy into this idea that you have to be 'perfect' or 'on the bandwagon' and a bunch of other nonsense. Life is meant to be enjoyed and delicious. Bon voyage!